Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Letter to our Members

The following is the letter sent by Tom Neumeyer, President of the Presque Isle Township Museum Society to our members. It has been an exciting year. Please take a minute to read about our focus going forward. 

28 September 2015

Dear Members,

It has been a wonderful summer season. We celebrated the 175th Anniversary of the Old Presque Isle Lighthouse in July with talks from several local authors who have recently published books, displays of period life, a presentation by NOAA on the Maritime History of Presque Isle and a members only picnic.
As we approach the Lighthouse Festival, we are preparing for the end of the season. The Letter of Agreement with the Township for the management of the Gift Shop expires at the end of October and the Board has decided not to renew. It was felt that the Gift Shop was not benefitting the Museum Society and was distracting the Board from the mission of the Museum Society. This presents a new opportunity for us as a Museum Society to focus our activities and energy on the base principles of mission: education and preservation of the museum and its artifacts.
We will be discussing our role with the Township in the coming weeks to solidify the Museum Society activities in the future. If you have comments or suggestions, please make sure to contact any of the Board members and make your views known.
Your support of the Lighthouses and Museum is very much appreciated and enables these historical gems to be the center of this community.
Please visit our website at:  www. presqueislelighthouses.org to subscribe to email notices of all Lighthouse and Member events. You will soon be able to pay your dues and make donations online, using any credit or debit card, via PayPal. In addition we also have Twitter and Facebook pages so you can keep up with happenings in the area.
We are looking forward to next season with great anticipation.

Tom Neumeyer

President, Presque Isle Township Museum Society

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